Dahlia Tuber Sale Information

Opens March 1st 2025 at 9 AM EST

Preview coming soon! Watch our social media posts to know when it’s posted!

  • We will mail planting and care information along with your tubers. Some things to note prior to purchase:

    • Dahlias are not frost tolerant. Wait to plant until all threats of frost have passed and soil is starting to warm. In north central PA (zone 6a/b, I usually plant at the very end of April or the beginning of May. They are a fall blooming flower.

    • Dahlias require full sun.

      • If planted in partial shade or full shade they will be tiny and likely will not produce many/any flowers.

  • Tubers are sold individually, these are NOT clumps of tubers as you may get from imported stock.

    • All tubers have been grown right here on our farm in Lycoming County PA, hand split and hand selected by Emily.

    • All of our dahlia plants have been inspected by the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture. We test plants for virus on an as needed basis. Any suspicious plants are dug and destroyed. We are permitted to ship across the US.

  • Shipping rates are based on weight:

    • Up to 8 tubers: $9.50

    • 9-18 tubers: $14

    • 19-28 tubers: $18

    • 28+ tubers: $24

  • Shipping will start at the beginning of April with warmer climates and continue through the month as weather permits.

    • If you place multiple orders, we will do our best to combine shipping but cannot guarantee this. Email us with both/all order numbers and we will try our best to combine. emily@longlanefarmflowers.com

    • We cannot accommodate early or requested shipping dates, we process by location and then in sequence of order placement.

  • Local pickup is April 27th, May 3rd, & 4th only (9 am to 3 pm). If you cannot make those dates, please choose the shipping option.

  • *Please be aware, this is considered a pre-sale. While we don’t expect losses during storage, it certainly can happen. In the rare event we do experience loss of your variety(ies), we will automatically reimburse you and notify you of the issue. Again, unlikely.

  • What to do when you receive your tubers?

    • Open your package immediately and take a look at them. They should be firm like a potato.

      • Some wrinkling is fine, shriveling is not, we will not ship shriveled tubers.

    • Dahlia tubers vary GREATLY in size and appearance, even those from the same clump. This does not {I repeat} this DOES NOT affect the size of the plant or the production of flowers in anyway. All and any size tuber can grow the same plant and flowers. I cannot emphasize this enough.

      • I actually prefer small tubers, they’re easier to plant!

    • Tubers are packed in horticulture-grade coarse vermiculite. Since we store our tubers in a cool 38-40* environment, the eyes (or sprouts/shoots) may still be dormant and not woken up upon arrival. That’s OK! Keep them in your home (warm), out of direct sunlight, sealed in their bag & covered in the vermiculite to avoid drying out until planting.

      • Check on them at least once or twice per week. If you see condensation inside the bag, open the bag for a day or so until condensation is gone and then re-seal. Continue to check on them in this way until planting. As they warm up, the eye will start to wake up and swell slightly or even start to grow. Eyes do NOT have to be sprouted or growing before planting. Tubers can be planted dormant and will be just fine. (That’s what we do!)

    • We are not responsible for tubers drying out or rotting in post-shipment storage, nor for improper planting, weather issues or poor customer care. All shipments receive information on proper planting and growing. There are way too many variables that can happen when dealing with living plant material.

    • Please be aware, after planting some tubers are slower than others. Be patient. Just two years ago, after years of experience, I was still fretting mid July that I would not have any dahlias as they were just so slow! … come August and up until our late frost, I was drowning in dahlias! It was just a slow year.

    • We send tubers with a viable eye. If you are unsatisfied with your order, please contact us immediately via email to discuss. We will require photos and or video of your tubers in order to make a decision. Email address below. We must be contacted within 5 days of package receipt.

    • We try our very best on many levels to ensure correct labeling of each variety. If you believe you received a mislabeled tuber, please contact us immediately with a photo of what you received (bloom photo) and what you purchased (order #). If it is identified as a mislabel, we will send you the correct tuber the following season.

  • Please read our policy on dahlia viruses.

  • If you have questions, please email emily@longlanefarmflowers.com